Dilan Parmar – Medelit Home Visiting
Podiatrist in London

parmar podiatrist home visit london

Dilan Parmar Registered Podiatrist – Profile and Clinical Excellence

Dilan earned his BSC (Hons) in Podiatric Medicine from the University of Plymouth in 2019. He currently serves as a dedicated podiatrist, splitting his time between his positions at Central London Community Healthcare and two clinics located in London and Essex. Dilan’s work encompasses comprehensive foot care for individuals of all age groups.

An esteemed member of the Royal College of Podiatry, Dilan is subject to the regulatory oversight of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), bearing membership number CH35512.

Dilan is a highly experienced, UK-trained, and registered podiatrist with a focus on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of various foot and lower limb abnormalities. His expertise extends to deformity prevention and correction, enhancing mobility, promoting an active lifestyle, providing pain relief, and effectively addressing foot infections.

In addition to his professional care, Dilan offers valuable advice on foot care for you and your family, including guidance on suitable footwear. He is well-equipped to address and alleviate everyday foot concerns, ensuring your ongoing comfort and well-being.

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