Home Visiting Physicians
Medelit was founded and is still today coordinated by Physicians. Our team is today formed by more than 60 doctors including general practitioners and specialists, making us the largest house call medical team in Italy.
Our doctors work in the most important hospitals and clinical centers of the area and their common passion for home care has made it possible for us to grow as a real team, in which a constant collaboration and communication between professionals enables us to provide our patients with the best form of integrated medicine.
Our selection process includes an evaluation of the knowledge of languages and of highly specialised professional experience.
Our rigorous vetting procedures have allowed us to set up a group of highly qualified, multilingual GP and specialist team that can provide complete medical care. doctors milano
Our medical services therefore range from our 365 day GP Home visiting service to Specialistic Consultant Home Visits for the care of more complex patients.
In addition to home visits, Medelit’s specialists can also provide assistance for English-speaking patients during their stay in hospital or clinic, and in multinational companies with offices based in Italy.
Care provided at home must be as secure and effective as that received in a hospital. private physician
For this reason we carefully triage our patients so as to be sure that a Doctor at home is the right and best solution to solve their problem. english physicians
When this is not the case, we always try to help solve the problem by referring the person to the most adequate setting or service.
Wherever there is the need for further investigation, our Doctors ensure that you have all the information necessary, so as to know where to go and can organise referrals to the best Hospitals in our territory.
Most of our Doctors work in local Hospitals and Medelit therefore has connections that allow full support in case of hospitalisation and/or referral to the A&E.
After the home visits, all our Doctors are available for short-term follow-up calls and exam checking.
Ease of communication is one of our major features. You will therefore be able to talk to your Doctor easily and at any time by simply calling Medelit’s central phone number.